This began as two comments on Facebook from Merrill Thompson and Francois Dutoit.
Heidi Baker is at Rivercamp 2010 with Mark Stibbe. Now Heidi and Rolland run meetings very similar to Key of David. The main difference being that absolutely anyone in the room can be used to lead at different times in a Key of David meeting.
Today at 17:13
'GOD'S PLEASURE IS FIRST AND FOREMOST A PLEASURE IN HIS SON". The Bible reveals this to us while showing us the face of Jesus shining like the sun. In Matthew 17 Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on a high mountain. When they are all alone something utterly astonishing happens. Suddenly God pulls back the curtain of the incarnation and lets the kingly glory of the Son of God shine through. 'His face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light' (v.2). Peter and the others were stunned. Near the end of his life Peter wrote that he had seen the Majestic Glory on the holy mountain, and that he had heard a voice from heaven, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him' (2 Peter 1:17-18; Matthew 17:5). When God declares openly that he loves and delights in his Son, he gives a visual demonstration of the Son's unimaginable glory. His face shown like the sun, his garments became translucent with light, and the disciples fell on their faces (Matthew 17:6). The point is not merely that humans should stand in awe of such a glory, but that God himself takes full pleasure in the radiance of his Son. He reveals him in blinding light and then says, "This is my delight!" . . . I thought to myself, surely this is one thing implied in John 17:26 ["that the love you have loved me with may be in them, and I may be in them"--NET Version]--that the day is coming when I will have the capacity to delight in the Son the way the Father does. My fragile eyes will get the power to take in the glory of the Son shining in his full strength just the way the Father does. The pleasure God has in his Son will become my pleasure, and I will not be consumed but enthralled for ever" [italics mine]. (John Piper, The Pleasures of God, pps.25, 26)
Merrill Thompson
No man therefore can reach God with his love, or have union with him by it, but he who is inspired with that one same Spirit of love, with which God loved himself from all eternity, and before there was any creature. Infinite hosts of new created heavenly beings can begin no new kind of love of God, nor have the least power of beginning to love him at all, but so far as his own Holy Spirit of love, wherewith he hath from all eternity loved himself, is brought to life in them. This love, that was then in God alone, can be the only love in creatures that can draw them to God; they can have no power of cleaving to him, of willing that which he wills, or adoring the divine nature, but by partaking of that eternal Spirit of love; and therefore the continual immediate inspiration or operation of the Holy Spirit, is the one only possible ground of our continually loving God. And of this inspired love, and no other, it is that St. John says, ''He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God.'' Suppose it to be any other love, brought forth by any other thing but the Spirit of God breathing his own love in us, and then it cannot be true, that he who dwells in such love, dwells in God...an excerpt William Law.."Only God is Good"
about an hour ago · Report
Chris Welch Wow. Also amazing because all afternoon while tuning was pondering doing some sort of Close Encounters of the Third kind Facebook post concerning the Transfiguration. Actually the odds of that are quite staggering when you think about it.
Our Key of David meetings here are very much where we let God set the agenda. We usually open up in praise but with one ear and eye open to seeing what God is saying. They are not so much meetings as a bunch of people entering into that very relationship that God has within Himself from the beginning. Literally anything can happen at these meetings. What we are feeling is that as we get more established in them we will be exporting this way of doing things all over the world. In a way Peter Stott has already begun with that 6000 member Chicago New Life Church, and various other networks in Spain. I think this was the pattern Evan Roberts found in Wales in 1906.
Heidi Baker is at Rivercamp 2010 with Mark Stibbe. Now Heidi and Rolland run meetings very similar to Key of David. The main difference being that absolutely anyone in the room can be used to lead at different times in a Key of David meeting.
Today at 17:13
'GOD'S PLEASURE IS FIRST AND FOREMOST A PLEASURE IN HIS SON". The Bible reveals this to us while showing us the face of Jesus shining like the sun. In Matthew 17 Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on a high mountain. When they are all alone something utterly astonishing happens. Suddenly God pulls back the curtain of the incarnation and lets the kingly glory of the Son of God shine through. 'His face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light' (v.2). Peter and the others were stunned. Near the end of his life Peter wrote that he had seen the Majestic Glory on the holy mountain, and that he had heard a voice from heaven, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him' (2 Peter 1:17-18; Matthew 17:5). When God declares openly that he loves and delights in his Son, he gives a visual demonstration of the Son's unimaginable glory. His face shown like the sun, his garments became translucent with light, and the disciples fell on their faces (Matthew 17:6). The point is not merely that humans should stand in awe of such a glory, but that God himself takes full pleasure in the radiance of his Son. He reveals him in blinding light and then says, "This is my delight!" . . . I thought to myself, surely this is one thing implied in John 17:26 ["that the love you have loved me with may be in them, and I may be in them"--NET Version]--that the day is coming when I will have the capacity to delight in the Son the way the Father does. My fragile eyes will get the power to take in the glory of the Son shining in his full strength just the way the Father does. The pleasure God has in his Son will become my pleasure, and I will not be consumed but enthralled for ever" [italics mine]. (John Piper, The Pleasures of God, pps.25, 26)
Merrill Thompson
No man therefore can reach God with his love, or have union with him by it, but he who is inspired with that one same Spirit of love, with which God loved himself from all eternity, and before there was any creature. Infinite hosts of new created heavenly beings can begin no new kind of love of God, nor have the least power of beginning to love him at all, but so far as his own Holy Spirit of love, wherewith he hath from all eternity loved himself, is brought to life in them. This love, that was then in God alone, can be the only love in creatures that can draw them to God; they can have no power of cleaving to him, of willing that which he wills, or adoring the divine nature, but by partaking of that eternal Spirit of love; and therefore the continual immediate inspiration or operation of the Holy Spirit, is the one only possible ground of our continually loving God. And of this inspired love, and no other, it is that St. John says, ''He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God.'' Suppose it to be any other love, brought forth by any other thing but the Spirit of God breathing his own love in us, and then it cannot be true, that he who dwells in such love, dwells in God...an excerpt William Law.."Only God is Good"
about an hour ago · Report
Chris Welch Wow. Also amazing because all afternoon while tuning was pondering doing some sort of Close Encounters of the Third kind Facebook post concerning the Transfiguration. Actually the odds of that are quite staggering when you think about it.
Our Key of David meetings here are very much where we let God set the agenda. We usually open up in praise but with one ear and eye open to seeing what God is saying. They are not so much meetings as a bunch of people entering into that very relationship that God has within Himself from the beginning. Literally anything can happen at these meetings. What we are feeling is that as we get more established in them we will be exporting this way of doing things all over the world. In a way Peter Stott has already begun with that 6000 member Chicago New Life Church, and various other networks in Spain. I think this was the pattern Evan Roberts found in Wales in 1906.
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