Monday 17 November 2014

Parable of the servants only doing as they ought!!!!

As the Power of God moves extraordinarily through them....LOL Luke 17:7-10

Chris Welch  on Facebook...........15/11/2014
The default label is satan masquerading perfectly as me. Much of the christian life is just unearthing the scam in real time, so our life can truly begin to work.
The Bible way of saying that is
if you abide in my Word....abide is longer than an altar rail....then you shall truly be my disciples and you shall (begin to really )know the truth (and the effect of seeing the real stuff within you) shall REALLY set you free.
Baptism in the Spirit is the trailer of the film. Without the trailer you won't know what the film is about or even if it is the right film.
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Samantha Paradinha
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John Fina Paul Absolutely!
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Ashley Chen Hong
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Kimera Betz Very true!
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Chris Welch Our true programming is recorded in Ezekiel 8:10...."the scrawlings on the temple walls". Whatever is written here WILL HAPPEN. Proverbs says the fears of a man will overtake him.His negative belief gives to that thing power.
When Jesus talks about our soil in the Parable of the seed, this is about what we really really desire, and or fear.
A pure heart is really that. A clean white wall available for God's own programme. His Kingdom. Satan has powers...especially under certain conditions and if those conditions and criteria are fulfilled.
Which is why you and I are being made unwilling participants in hidden secret rituals played out in the open in the Olympics, in ball games in massive pop events by mindcontrolled superstars like Miley Cyrus or Madonna. In Madonna's case, like Aleister Crowley she knows what she is doing. She is very high level.

But i say all that to say this..... God through His people is frightening. psalm 149.
That's why all the training. Now we don't have to have pyramids, and blank off one eye, and kill children, and many many other things. When the disciples asked...Jesus how do you do that stuff? and at another time....what must we be doing to do the work of God?
His two answers were equally as frustrating to the flesh.
The second was....believe in that LIFE that comes down from the Father, that you see in Me and that I have now given you. Just believe ON IT.....through everything.
The first was more cryptic still in the parable of the servants in the field.
Luke 17.5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” 6 And the Lord said, “If you [e]had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would [f]obey you.

7 “Which of you, having a slave plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come immediately and sit down to eat’? 8 But will he not say to him, ‘Prepare something for me to eat, and properly clothe yourself and serve me while I eat and drink; and]afterward you may eat and drink’? 9 He does not thank the slave because he did the things which were commanded, does he? 10 So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.’”

In bringing His saints into Kingdom power , there are two or three phases. Whether as Christians or nonChristians there is the first serving in the field stage. This is like Jesus working as a craftsman/carpenter.
Or God's people serving as slaves under Pharoah.
Or us before and after coming to know Him.

Well He isn' have to remember He is Emmanuel, God with us. He is feeling everything we feel as we feel it. He is NOT FAR OFF. But this is the way God gets our shoulder to the plough of being able to shift real world events in the Spirit by His faith. If we never really buckled under and committed to things.....we would never feel and engage with His intercession to change them. This is what David was reduced to in the wilderness under Saul's reign. His psalms show His desperation which mirrors our own.....but in the upside down Kingdom....this is us experiencing first hand THE NEED FOR CHANGE;and the INTENSE LONGING FOR CHANGE....

THE CRY OF DESPERATION isn't failure or weakness as Satan would regard it...and he certainly screams that down our lugholes (earholes) to discourage us.....the REALITY IS it's phase ONE of God MOVING.
Like the odd way of reckoning one day....NIGHT FIRST
"And there was evening and morning one day."

Phase two is odd too.
You'd have thought once the Israelites were out of Egypt the next week or 11 days journey hence they'd be raring to go, and installed in the new LAND.

Or after Jesus was baptised in the Spirit..".right that's it....gather a multitude with Benny Hinn banner advertising". But no...40 days in the wilderness.
Same with us....we might get a mighty entrance into God's Kingdom but we have to complete the first two phases of experiencing the servant life. Even after the field.... when we are brought into God's House we learn to serve God first.
"properly clothe yourself and serve me while I eat and drink;"

and God's got a big appetite. A lot of us are really disappointed because we expected the charismatic church to be it!!!! Why are all the people of the world not rushing in to be converted?

Revelation 3 says....Behold I stand at the door and Knock
if any man hears my voice and opens the door
 I will come in and eat with Him
AND THEN HE ADDS......"and He with Me."
the Two winds prophecy on my blog is like this.

Normandy 1978
In 1978 God showed me what the thirdlevel Church was going to be like. He showed me Spirit acceleration as a foretaste.
I had a long arduous lead up to it. I even had lots of egg on my face.
Then when I was sure He couldn't answer....He moved. I had a two week portion of it in France. The first morning the mother of the house had an epileptic fit, the electricity of God zapped through me, she was healed instantly and got her driving license back from an atheist french government a year later. The rest of the two weeks was packed with Holy Spirit events.
But after the preparation you feel numb. You are stabilized. You know it's not you. You almost watch it like a 2ndhand Jesus says....
So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.’”..... it's automatic. It's part of you. it's just God being free to live and move unselfconsciously through you.

This is the acceleration of the Church we are now in. The story I told you was one person. I have other stories of Emsworth church. But  I tell you.....not one of us has any idea of what a corporate Body moving across nations in the thirdlevel realm of full maturity in 1 John 2 looks like. Blistering Raw power on a level that Jesus could see afar off...but even the early church only scraped the surface...for example in Acts 4 when the room had an earthquake when they were praying....or various prison shaking events in Acts. This is just at the beginning of the Church.

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