Monday 4 May 2015

Loren Cunningham and YWAM

From the time we first saw him and his boldness to buy up castles for Jesus we couldn't fail to be impressed how he moved out in faith.Faith can seem for a good while all you need. Loren saw that Jesus had sent out disciples and he was also aware of the multiplication factor of sending out people who train and send out people. Unlike Navigators Loren believed in the baptism of the Spirit and taught the two fold gospel of repentance and being filled with theSpirit.

YWAM always supported locally established churches, so it was never anti church, but as an evangelist Loren wanted to keep things simple and just see many many people all over the world born again, and thought what better way to do this than utilise young people's passion, energy, ability to freely communicate and before they got bogged down with life's baggage. He even pioneered a Discipleship Training School or DTS which he likened to Jesus training the disciples to go out.

So, 50 years on, is there a problem? So much about YWAM is great. It was the first evangelistic organisation that I know of that openly espoused the baptism in the Spirit, although even that got somehow tampered with in some of the nations.
Samantha Paradinha: Yeah, I just respect that he left the A of G to even try. I read a very small book about it way back when. They cast out devils and then had to do it all over again in the next village. Those kids did some noble works.
Loren has the faith and boldness to step out that St Peter had. Maybe that King David also had.
There are similarities with King David.
Two things.
Remember David hit on this really neat idea of automising the ARK carrying process with bulls and a new cart. he had seen it work very well when the ARK went AWOL in the enemies territory. But when the cart hit a bump on a threshing floor, Uzzah put out his hand to the Ark to save it and perished instantly.
Secondly, David got all enthused about building a Temple for God. The prophet came back to him with a very key prophecy you shall not build a house for your God....He shall build a house for you.

YWAM is both a new cart enthusiastically constructed during an absolutely dead period of Christian world history....1960s, and it is also an attempt at building God's Kingdom for Him.

If Loren was Jewish (which ofcourse he maybe....many great Christian leaders are) YWAM would be the gospel of "I AM the God of Abraham and Isaac"
The true gospel of the Lord is I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." What I call the three level gospel of 1 John 2.
YWAM is the gospel of Jesus on the first day of your Christian life. Repent, be baptised in water and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Basically....Abraham's Faith and Isaacs water wells with a baptism in water as a covenantal step of obedience of you signing your signature on the bottom of God's Covenant.

But God's gospel is a bit different. Those baptism in the Spirit Rivers become in the third part of the gospel Mighty Rivers of Living Water deluging out of your innermost belly. I can see why people would get confused....mainly because there aren't that many thirdlevellers. or certainly in my 1970s conversion period there weren't.

Nobody told us that Jesus eating us out of house and home would lead to being invited round His Place and beginning to live from all His resources . This is the real meaning behind I stand at the Door and Knock...if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come and eat with Him (and He's quite hungry) and HE WITH ME.
Most Christians are still living from their own resources still....including their old identity they had before they were Christians.

The point of a good thorough 2ndlevel training in God is to allow who you thought you were to totally fizzle and burn out so that God can establish you in the Galatians 2:20 reality.....It's JESUS wrapped up/entwined in your spirit as your SOLE LIFESOURCE who is living your life. Christians who don't know this dealing give themselves away the moment they start to talk. They also....and Loren was among us navel gazers.

Jesus never allowed His disciples a period of NON MINISTRY. Ministry can accelerate you into realising you have nothing!!!! MInistry also has the advantage of being DECLARATION of WORD.....calling that which is not seen as though it is so. So for this reason Jesus chivvied the disciples into ministry.
Remember Jesus said phrases like....when He saw that the Lord's Presence was there to heal....He prayed for everybody and they were all healed. Well the disciples were fast tracked into discerning the heavenly protocols.....seeing what the Father is doing at any point and getting in on it.

So if Loren is rushing young people into ministry is there a problem? In one sense it is an acceleration. The only problem is that currently so few people in the world realise there is a third level, realise there is a total, and I mean total LIFE exchange that went on at the Cross. So hardly anyone ever experiences any Christians who speak with that heavenly authority that literally comes from the Throne itself. Listen to THY KINGDOM COME by Ern Baxter....linked on my blog.
THis is the nature of thirdlevel ministry. It has its own FIRE right within it. You get singed just listening. This is the authority with which Jesus spoke and fools people immediately because their idea of authority comes through pyramids of men with certificates and gold chains and badges with dragons and other heraldic demons on. They simply can't compute how ordinary looking people can have that much authority.

GOD's DIVINE MEANS is not DTS. It isn't a YWAM organisation. God's DIVINE MEANS is thirdlevel church. Like the first one in ACTS 2. 12 elders totally broken in the Lord, knowing Jesus was their sole Life and consequently fully in love with each other, BUT NOW also totally drenched in the power and love of the Holy Spirit standing before a crowd who all had their GOBS wide open....
saying 2 things.....THIS JESUS THAT YOU ALL CRUCIFIED...and they had.....
And .......DO YOU WANT SOME???????

Ephesians is the total mechanical engineering blueprint of what thirdlevel church looks you accelerate through....and how the armour is constructed within your being as you pass through this particle accelerator called PROPER CHURCH. It has nothing to do with anything we see today...and you can understand why Loren got so cheesed off and formed YWAM. But the problem David's New isn't God's's cheap and plastic by comparison and planet EARTH is worthy of the REAL and ROYAL version....

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